Raw Milk
Why raw milk?
Numerous studies show that raw milk consumption is correlated with:
easier digestion
stronger immune systems
fewer ear infections
less asthma
fewer allergies
reduced eczema
less fever and respiratory infections (a 30% reduction in one study!)
improved gut health
improved lung function
Raw milk is a living, complete food with no additives; far nutritionally superior to pasteurized milk. Beneficial proteins & enzymes are denatured and killed off when pasteurization occurs. Raw milk is very similar to breast milk in its makeup, and is designed to provide excellent nutrition & strengthen the immune system.
In feeding studies done with pasteurized breastmilk vs raw, preterm infants fed pasteurized breastmilk had reduced fat absorption and less growth than infants fed raw breastmilk (Andersson et al., 2007). Similar results have been shown in raw certified cow's milk compared to pasteurized.
Here is a chart showing many of the nutritional components present in raw milk, as compared to other types of milk. It's pretty interesting!
Our Practices
Kendal (the milkman!) enjoys the daily ritual and routine of milking, but his favorite part of selling milk is, by far, the fantastic mix of customers. We love to hear about your families, your careers, and what you have going on in your lives.
Responsible handling of raw milk is important to us, and it is something we do not take lightly. All of our equipment is sanitized thoroughly after each milking, and cow udders are cleaned and prepped to ensure that there is no bacterial spread. We disease test our cows regularly, and have chosen to machine milk rather than hand milk. Although cleaning a milk machine is more labor intensive than cleaning a milk pail, we feel that having more of a closed system reduces any chance of contamination & is worth the extra labor.
As soon as milk is out of the cow, it is immediately filtered, bottled and chilled. We do not store milk in a bulk tank.
One of our big farm goals is pursuing RAWMI certification. We are in the early stages of that, and are grateful for the possibility of mentorship. We are in a continual state of learning, and honing in on best practices for our farm.
ISDA raw milk permit number is RCM187